Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Here are our resources, video links and audio files to help people during the Cornavirus outbreak.
There will be information added to this page everyday.

This page has useful resources for people, families and carers.
The resources you can download can be found on the right hand side of the page are
- The Inclusion North Easy Read Corona Virus information.
- Daily News from Inclusion North.
- Domestic Abuse
- Staying safe and avoiding scams
- The Covid Times good news from the North East and Cumbria
Weekly News Videos
The Weekly news can be viewed on video
21.2.2021 Daily News Video
20.01.2022 Weekly news video
07.01.2022 Weekly news video
13.12.2021 Daily news video
9.12.2021 Daily news video
1.12.2021 Daily news update
Here are our videos made by Dawn one of our Leadership Coaches
Video 2 – How to wash your hands
Video 3 – What to do if you get ill
Here are our videos made by Becki one of our leadership coaches
Avoiding scams and getting ripped off
Historical News Updates from Inclusion North
We have put all of our daily news and weekly news from 2020 together into a booklet you can see this in our downloads .
Skills for People and Learning Disability England
You can see a video about the vaccine here
Bradford People First
Look in the downloads for Surekha’s getting the vaccine blog
Mencap information
Speaking to your doctor about getting the vaccine here
Information about the vaccine here
Should you contact your GP about the vaccine here
How to ask for extra support when you have the vaccine here
Checking you are on your doctors learning disability register here
NHS England have a video about getting vaccines here
Easy read information about Vaccines here
Easy read information about using a pulse oximeter to check you are ok here
Public Health England
Easy read Covid vaccination leaflet here
Easy read What to expect after the vaccine here
Easy read adult consent form here
NHS England have Easy read cabinet office information about staying home here
A grab and go guide if you have Coronavirus and have to go to hospital, this can give extra information to the hospital staff to go with your hospital passport here
There is more information about the grab and go guide and what to write in it here
Skills for People have a video from Sally who went for a Coronavirus test, You can see Sally going to the test and what happens at a testing centre here
The North East and Cumbria Learning Disability Network and Skills for People have newsletters every week called get well for winter. This weeks is in the downloads on this page.
Surrey and Boarders Partnership NHS Trust
A video explaining the tier system here
A video about why it is important to wear a face mask and how to find the best one for you here
A video about supporting someone with a learning disability to wear a face mask here
Lewisham Speaking Up and The Race Equality Foundation have resources about Coronavirus and Black and Minority Ethnic Communities here
Learning Disability England have some resources on their Coronavirus page about Coronavirus information for Trans and Non Binary people here and LGBT+ and Coronavirus here
There is information about the coronavirus vaccine and people with a learning disability for providers here
Dorset Advocacy have produced an Easy Read guide to how the Coronavirus Act might affect your care and support here
Affinity Trust have an online fitness and exercise video for people with a learning disability here
Pathways and NWTDT have a great video about getting stopped by the police when you are out here
Positive Approaches to support have some information for family carers here
Here are some other useful links to information.
Public Health England have some information
Keeping away from people can be found here
Keeping your mind and body well can be found here
Washing your hands can be found here
Guidance for residential care, supported living and home care can be found here
Information about getting help when you need it during Coronavirus can be found in the downloads at the side of the screen
The Learning Disability and Autism Programme at NHS England are answering questions about care for people weekly the information is not easy read and can be found in the downloads at the right hand side of the screen.
Learning Disability England have a page sharing information and resources here
West Yorkshire Police have some information about how they are making sure that people are staying safe here
Cumbria Northumberland and Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust have an activity pack for people this is in the downloads at the side of the screen.
Contact have general advice and benefits to your child’s education and tips and links to help you cope at home, you can find out the latest information, support and advice about Coronavirus and its impact on families with disabled children here
BILD has some information for people with a learning disability here .
They also have information for families and carers here
You can also find the cards to carry if you cannot wear a face mask on their website and in our downloads at the side of the screen to download and print out.
Beyond Words have free downloadable books
Kali when she starts to feel poorly with a cough and a temperature. The short wordless story will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus (COVID-19) to keep yourself and those you care about safe. The story also shows how you can safely help others who may be self-isolating. You can find it here
A short wordless story, that will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those who you care about safe.You can find it here
Good days and bad days. You can find it here
A guide for family carers. You can find it here
When someone dies. You can find it here
Lots of people are using the internet to have meetings and stay in touch with people from work, friends and families.
ACE Anglia have some easy read information about using different programmes and apps
You can find information about Zoom here
You can find information about Microsoft Teams here
They also have some information about staying safe online here
Survivors UK – have a document in our downloads called Self Isolation, Sexual Violence and Safety