Our Offer
Membership gives local areas access to Our Offer,
This is a series of small projects looking at the important issues facing people with a learning disability , autistic people and their families.

Our 3 year offer to members is organised under 4 themes
1. Creating inclusive communities
2. Supporting people and families to stay strong and speak up
3. Connecting people together
4. Keeping people informed
Under each theme we have several projects running. Some projects, like our work with Citizens Network connect us to work happening around the world to make inclusion a reality.
We use this to keep our members up to date with innovative ideas and best practice. Other projects are run in a small number of member areas and we share learning with all members.
Every April we talk to members about Our Offer and the bits that are most relevant to local people.
We update members half way through the year so they can stay in touch with what has been happening.