Kirsty Trimming

Hello my name is Kirsty and I am a Leadership Coach  at Inclusion North


My Experience


I am a person with lived experience.

I have worked as an Expert Adviser for 5 years and have taken part in Care and Treatment Reviews.

I do other work with Inclusion North and I am working as a Leadership Coach with the Take the Lead Team.


My Skills and Knowledge


I have competed my:

Diploma level 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Health and Social Care

I am working on my Level 6

I am good at listening and able to see the bigger picture.

I think about what I’ve been through and how the other person might be feeling.

I am good at developing and delivering training.


What is important to me


That I know where I have to travel from to and I know what I’m doing.

Having the right information.

Checking out with me that I have understood.

What people say about me


Good listener.

Patience, understanding.

I am calm, chilled, thoughtful, punctual, reliable, problem solver, observant.


I Enjoy



Listening to music.

Being a voice of others.

Helping others.