Adventure Begins looking at the barriers to travel
Adventure Begins was part of our Talking Travel work in 2018. It was led by Inclusion North, in partnership with West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Leeds City Council and the LeedsBID digital initiative, Leeds Boost.

The Journey Makers Adventure Begins event took place in Leeds on 3rd July 2018 and focused on addressing the barriers to travel for people with a learning disability or autism.
This one day event began with an adventure story in Leeds Kirkgate Market, followed by a session on ‘how to plan your journey’.
Teams of people then embarked on their own adventure – a treasure hunt across the City, that led them to Leeds Central Library where they explored useful travel apps, experienced virtual reality and shared their experiences.
The aim was to promote choice and independence for people, sparking the sense of adventure, building confidence and exploring the new opportunities that tools such as mobile phone apps can create.
For more information about the Talking Travel project contact Kirsty Morgan.