Directors Meeting

Friday 16 May, 1:00pm - 3:30pm

York CVS

15 Priory Street

This meeting is for the Directors of Inclusion North.


The Directors include people with a learning disability or autism, family carers and professionals.

The Board of Directors are responsible for:

Running the Company well – making sure Inclusion North follows Company Law and our own internal rules
Managing the money – making sure that Inclusion North have enough money and spend it the right way
Checking the work we do – making sure it is good quality and fits with our values
Supporting the Chief Executive – helping her to manage the staff team and develop the company
Thinking about the future – planning ahead to make sure Inclusion North meets the needs of its members and customers
Making sure people know about Inclusion North – sharing information through their own networks

If you want to find out more about being a Director of Inclusion North please contact Melissa