Volunteer Directors with a Learning Disability needed at Inclusion North

We are looking for two people with a learning disability to join our Board of Directors.

Our meetings are 6 times a year in York and online.

This is a volunteer role and not a paid job.

We will pay your travel costs.

You need to live in one of the areas we work.

these areas are the North East, Yorkshire and Humber and Derbyshire.

We are looking for people with these qualities:

People who are are passionate about human rights.

People who know what it is like to not be included and to be treated badly because of who they are.

People who are good at listening and can speak up in meetings.

People with good ideas about how to make life better for people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families.

People with enough time to come to 6 meetings a year and to read the reports.

Being on the Board of Directors is voluntary. This means you don’t get paid for doing it.

We pay expenses. This means if anything to do with being a Director costs you money, we pay you back for that.

There is an Easy Read application form for you to fill in you can find this in the downloads at the side of the screen.

You can also telephone 0113 2444792 for an application pack.

We will use the application forms to choose the people we want to interview.

The closing date for applications is the 8th September,