Tina Cook

Hello my name is Tina and I am an Advisory Council Member at Inclusion North.


My Experience


Being involved with people with a learning disability for over 35 years.

Running a preschool service for children with special needs and their families.

Trustee of Lawnmowers Theatre Company in Gateshead,

Professor in the Department of Disability and Education at Liverpool Hope University.


My Skills and Knowledge


Writing research bids and doing lots of research with people with a learning disability.

Making sure research is done with people and is inclusive.


What is important to me


Inclusion and learning how to support people with a learning disability to improve the way services are run and society behaves.


What people say about me


Kind and listens to people.

Stands up and lives her values.

Knows lots about how to find out good information.


I Enjoy


Being with my friends.

Walking and riding my bicycle.

Looking out for birds and nature.

I play the piano accordion in a ceilidh band this is lots of fun.