Beth Reavette

Hello my name is Beth  and I am the Hub Coordinator at Inclusion North


My Experience


I have worked in supportive roles with people who have disabilities, autism, mental health problems, behavioural and emotional difficulties.

The areas I have experience in include-

Support worker in specialist college

Charity for poorly children

Domestic abuse charity


My Skills and Knowledge


I am aware of the many challenges people with a learning disability and autism face in society.

I enjoy working as a team and communicating with people.

I have worked in a variety of roles with people with lived experience and advocate for them.


What is important to me


Giving people a fair chance

Helping and supporting people

Looking after wellbeing

Being compassionate and kind


What people say about me


Have a positive attitude

I’m friendly and chatty

A good baker

I’m laid back

I am caring


I enjoy



Going out for food

Watching TV and films

Pub quizzes


Walking the dog

Cooking new things

Being with friends