Winter Festival 1st to 10th December
Every 3 years Inclusion North runs a Members’ Day event to celebrate good practice, to think about shared priorities and to look at innovative solutions to help in our work together.
Our next Members’ Day was due to take place in January 2022, but with uncertainty about Covid, we didn’t feel confident to plan a big event for 100 people to meet in York, so we have come up with something different, which we hope you will enjoy and get a lot out of.
From 1st to 10th December 2021 we will be running an online Winter Festival of Inclusion.

Here is the poem from our festival session with Chris Singleton – Brave words
The festival is for everyone who is passionate about real inclusion for people with a learning disability, autistic people and family carers.
Our full programme is in the downloads at the side of the screen.
Some of the sessions have limited spaces so we ask if you are an organisation to book one space, this helps people to attend from different areas.
We want our festival to be as inclusive as possible and people who do not live in our member areas are welcome to join in sessions.
On the sessions that have limited spaces we might ask you to be on the waiting list for a space.
You can book to join in the sessions by filling in the form here
Telephone: Rachael 07960 388628
Here are the exciting sessions happening
Pop up choir
Making the Ordinary Extraordinary!
Belonging and Inclusion
An Interview with George Webster
Fun Dance Session
The Poetry Welcoming Party!
Putting our Values into Practice
We all have something to give!
Inspiring the next generation of leaders
Integrated Care System and the Citizenship team
Working together by Co Production
An introduction to take the lead – what is leadership
Creative Doodle Book
Fresh Club Night Online
Stop people dying too young
Inclusive Cheer Dance
For more information look in the downloads at the side of the screen