Tomorrow’s Leaders Graduates

Tomorrow’s Leaders is a leadership development programme for people with a learning disability or autism. People who are already taking on a leadership role in their community join the course to develop their skills and build their confidence.

Tomorrow’s Leaders is a leadership development programme for people with a learning disability or autism.

People who are already taking on a leadership role in their community join the course to develop their skills and build their confidence.

The course runs over a number of sessions and is residential.

Everyone works with a co-learner and the course is always co-facilitated by a person with a learning disability or autism who has graduated as a Tomorrow’s Leader themselves.

To support people to continue to learn and develop as leaders, we run sessions for Tomorrow’s Leaders graduates.

We run two sessions in Yorkshire and two in the North East each year.

The sessions are co-designed by the graduates based on what their priorities are.

  • For more information about this work contact Karen Parry