The Living Well project in Calderdale, Kirklees, Wakefield and Barnsley
The Living Well project works across the Calderdale, Kirklees, Wakefield and Barnsley (CKWB) Transforming Care Partnership.
The CKWB Transforming Care Partnership have funded the project for 2 years through NHS England.
Inclusion North, Cloverleaf Advocacy and Lead the Way are all working together to help people with a learning disability and or autism to live well.
The project has been co produced with local people with lived experience, they have brought together different people from across Calderdale, Kirklees, Wakefield and Barnsley to be part of a design group.
The group includes:
• people with lived experience
• family carers
• Adult Health and Social Care
Their job is to develop the work of the project by working together to share their knowledge and experience so that people with a learning disability and or autism and their families can live well.
For more information about this work you can contact Rebecca
To see the evaluation of the project and the project updates look in the downloads on the side of this page.
Cloverleaf Advocacy and Lead the Way
NHS Learning Disability Annual Health Checks