Staying well in really hot or really cold weather
We know from the LeDeR report 2022 that more people died in July 2022 when the weather was extremely hot.
Inclusion North are working with people with a learning disability and autistic people to learn more about this.

A group of people with lived experience of learning disability and autism are working together to learn more about how really hot or cold weather can make us unwell, and how we can take care of ourselves.
In July 2022 we had a heatwave with very hot temperatures of 40 degrees.
This unfortunately made some people so poorly that they died.
We worked together to create an Easy Read guide to help everyone look after themselves in really bad weather.
This can be found in the downloads at the side of the screen.
You can also watch these short video clips for hot weather
Anna talking about staying well in really hot weather.
Amber talking about how to cool down in hot weather.
Wasim talking about how to tell if we are ill in hot weather.
You can also watch these short video clips for cold weather
Amber talking about staying well in winter
Denise talking about how to get your home ready for winter
Wasim talking about looking after your mental health in winter
If you would like to know more about this work please contact Maria Spadafora here