Leading Together For A Change

Leading Together for a Change! starts in March 2019.
This leadership course will bring together young people, family carers and professionals to make a difference to the lives of children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both.
It will focus on what it takes to 'lead together, work together and achieve change together'.

This is an opportunity to further develop leadership skills and knowledge as well as gaining practical experience working on specific projects.

The course is being delivered in partnership with the North East & Cumbria Learning Disability Network, Skills for People and NDTi.

For information about how you can be part of one of the 3 groups participating on the course go to:

For 18 to 25 year old with a learning disability, autism or both:

You can access the information and the application pack in the downloads on this page.

For family carers of children/young people with a learning disability, autism or both contact Skills for People 

For professionals working with children/young people with a learning disability, autism or both contact North East learning Academy 

You can see a recent young leaders course to give you an idea of how much fun and learning new skills takes place.

Here is more information and photos from the course