Leadership Courses – Take the Lead – Inspire change for better futures

The Henry Smith Charity have funded Inclusion North to create and deliver 3 levels of leadership course for people with a learning disability and autistic people over the next 3 years.

The aim is train and empower people to be active leaders in their communities, to speak up for people’s rights, to highlight abuse, to demand equality and to help shape better support and services.

Taking the Lead 

We are running some free online workshops for people with a learning disability and autistic people.

We are running five different workshops. Each workshop is about a different topic.

The workshops are for adults with a learning disability and autistic people living in the North East or Yorkshire and Humberside.

We really welcome people with a learning disability and autistic people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, and people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQIA+).


1. Confidence – 10th April

We will talk about confidence and speak up for ourselves. This is for people who have never done Take the Lead before.


2. Self-Esteem – 17th April

We will learn how to feel good about who we are. This is for people who have never done Take the Lead before.


3. Staying safe and well – 24th April

We will work together to learn about staying safe and well in our lives and online.


4. Safeguarding – 1st May

We will learn what safeguarding means, and how we can look after ourselves and others.


5. Who we are and relationships – 8th May

We will look at who we are (our identity) and talk about different types of relationships.


Don’t’ worry if you can’t join the session you want. We are running them again, starting on May 29th.


Each workshop will last 90 minutes.


You can choose to take part in just one workshop that interests you. Or you might want to take part in a few different ones.


You can join by yourself, or you can have someone to support you. This might be a family member, or support worker.


All workshops are on Thursdays. They start at 10am and finish at 11.30am.


How to join Take the Lead workshops

All the workshops are free

To ask a question or apply to join a workshop contact Lisa Tallant

We will ask you to fill in a form. We can help you.

Email: Lisa.Tallant@inclusionnorth.org

Telephone: 07946 026371


You can find out more about our Leadership Team by clicking on their names.





If you have any questions you can contact the team here