Involving Everyone
The focus of this work is on people with a profound and multiple learning disabilities and their families. Funding for this has come from North Cumbria and North East Integrated Care System, Learning Disability and Autism Workstream.
Why is this work important?
People with a profound and multiple learning disabilities are one of the most excluded groups of people in society.
People with a profound and multiple learning disabilities are not always seen as equal and valued citizens.
This group of people are often not seen or heard in our communities, and people do not pay much attention to the quality of life they live.
We hope that our Involving Everyone Project will increase awareness and inclusion for people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and their families.
Steering Group
A steering group for the Involving Everyone project has been set up. Members of the steering group include family carers and professionals.
The Steering Group meets once a month. Steering Group members support the project by sharing their experience and suggestions for the work.
If you are interested in being part of our Steering Group or would like to find out more, we would be happy to chat to you.
The Steering Group terms of reference can be found in the downloads at the side of the screen.
Please contact:
Small Sparks
We have awarded funding to four different community organisations, to run projects and activities for people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and their families.
These projects are:
· Little SENDsations – Delivering a Forest School Club for people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and their families. You can watch there video here
· Susie Tate Projects – Offering dance sessions, including live music, to children with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities.
· The Sensory Place – Offering inclusive sensory sessions and workshops for people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and their families, including hydrotherapy, sensory massage, and sensory stories.
· Allensway Day Centre – Investing in specialist ‘Intensive Interaction’ staff training, to improve communication and inclusion for people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities.
Other Work
We are doing lots of other things to improve inclusion for people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and their families.
· Community Offer – We are creating guidance about how to make community spaces and services more inclusive for people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and their families.
· Quality Checking – We are exploring ways to make sure that people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities are thought about, when services are being quality checked.
· Community of Practice – We have set up a private Community of Practice Group for family carers of people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities on Facebook and for more information contact Belinda. We also plan to run workshops and information sharing sessions for professionals.
· Research – We will be carrying out research into key issues for people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and their families, in our region. We will find out where things are working well, where there are gaps, and make recommendations.
· Consultancy – We will be setting up a group of experts by experience and professionals who can be involved in the development of services and policies.
Get Involved
Family Carers
The work of this project is guided by the voices of family carers and experts by experience. We would love to connect with family carers of people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities.
Family carers can input into any part of this work. We would love to hear about your experiences of accessing the community, using services, and what you think could be better.
This can be flexible around your life, and you can dedicate as much or as little time as you want. We can pay involvement fees.
For more information, please contact:
You can watch our invitation video here
We are looking for professionals with experience of Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities to get involved in this work and share your knowledge.
For more information, please contact:
Local Authorities and Integrated Care Boards
If you are working on a strategy, policy, or a new service – have you considered the voices and experience of people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and their families?
We may be able to support you to co-produce some of your work with experienced professionals and experts by experience.
To explore options for working together, please contact:
Photography Project and Exhibition – 2022
In 2022, photographer Rachael Munro-Fawcett partnered with Inclusion North on their Involving Everyone project, to share the lives of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and their families, living in the North East of England.
The Involving Everyone photography exhibition was an opportunity for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities to be more visible, able tell their own stories and offer a better understanding of what life is like.
The exhibition included photographs taken by people with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities as part of accessible photography workshops.
This work was funded by the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System and Arts Council England.
Watch the Involving Everyone exhibition
The exhibition includes some audio description.