Involvement Leaders in the North East
The Involvement Leaders have direct experience of using services like an assessment and treatment unit or a secure service or have a relative who has used these types of services.

Our Experiences
We have a mix of experience between us as a group
- Some of us are in hospital
- Some of us have been in hospital in the past
- Some of us have used community services to support our mental health
- Some of us are family members of people who have used hospital services
What we do
We look at making services better for people who need to use them and their families
We will do this by
- Sharing our experiences of being in hospital
- Learning new skills about speaking up
- Listening to other people’s experiences
- Collecting everyone’s views
- Make sense of what people what to see change
- Sharing information with people who are in charge
If you are interested in the work of the involvement leaders contact Anya here