Families Listening Project
Inclusion North recognises and values the role families play in the lives of people with a learning disability or autism.

We have a range of work designed to be supportive and reflect the experience of family carers.
Family carers were asked to identify what some of the key issues are for them.
In response to this we have developed information briefings for each.
These offer examples of good practice, resources and an overview of relevant laws and policy.
In some of our member areas work is starting on a ‘Families Listening Projects’.
We were told by family carers that they do not feel listened to and that many areas are experiencing reduced support networks.
Families are becoming more isolated.
The aim of this work is to document the experiences of families to influence change and bring about greater understanding from local areas.
We want families to feel listened to and to see the value in their experience of being heard.
The project also offers the potential for families to stay connected and gather strength and support from one another.
For more information about this work contact Kirsty Morgan
or see the flyer in the downloads.