
Inclusion North thinks that everyone who needs it, should be able to access good advocacy.

We also believe it is important to support people to develop self-advocacy skills and be able to speak up for themselves.

Past work


Inclusion North worked with other partners to some get funding from NHS England to think about how we make advocacy better for adults and children in hospitals.


Advocacy Partnership


We worked with Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) and advocacy organisations.

The aim were:


  • To better understand advocacy services across the North East of England and North Cumbria that support people with a learning disability and autistic people in hospital.


  • To support everyone involved in the care of people with a learning disability,  autistic people in hospital to work together.


You can find the downloads at the side of the screen.


Advocacy Mapping Report Connected Voice Advocacy

Connected Voice Advocacy  mapping presentation


Working with Children and Young People


We worked with Investing in Children to look at young people with a learning disability, autistic young people in secure mental health hospitals.


The aims were:


  • To create information about self advocacy that the young people could use to support them in the secure mental health hospitals.


  •  To support the young people with their skills and confidence to help them advocate for themselves in all areas of their lives especially for their care and treatment.


You can find the downloads at the side of the screen


Self-Advocacy Report

Self-Advocacy Resource Pack


Current  Work

Supporting Advocacy Workers


Working with consultant George Julian, we set up the North East and North Cumbria Advocacy Network.


  • The Network is used to support advocates through learning, sharing, and connecting with each other.


  • The Network has a lunchtime learning sessions.


  • A book club to look at good information, life stories of people with lived experience and reports and national guidance.


  • A  safe space for chatting, peer support, and sharing information.


  • We have a steering group of senior advocacy leaders,  that is led by George Julian.


  • The steering group provides information about wider advocacy issues and the role of the Network.


The Network is part of a Working Group looking at the learning and taking action from the Whorlton Hall Safeguarding Adults Review.


In the downloads at the side of the screen you can find


  • The report about ongoing concerns of Whorlton Hall, called ‘Breaking the Silence’.
  • Advocacy Network
  • Advocacy Network Poster
  • Using online network