Inclusion North News

Inclusion North will share an important news story and tell you about their own work here every two weeks

The Inclusion North news brings you resources, video links and updates from Inclusion North.

This weeks Inclusion Norths News includes news of:

  • George Webster the new guest presenter on the Children’s Channel CBBC.  George is 20, from Leeds and has Downs Syndrome.


  • Inclusion North has been successful in getting money to deliver training on leadership and employment skills for people with a learning disability or autistic people.


  • Becki and Dawn, Leadership Coaches at Inclusion North will be involved in making and delivering this training.


The resources you can download on the right hand side of the page are

  • News from Inclusion North.

Inclusion North News Video

The Inclusion North news can be viewed on video

Inclusion North News video 24th September 2021 here