Citizenship Leaders Job Vacancies

Would you like to work for an organisation that exists to make inclusion a reality for people with a learning disability and autistic people?

Inclusion North are looking for 3 people from the North East or North Cumbria to be Citizenship Leaders. We want to recruit

A person with a learning disability
An autistic person
A family carer

The Citizenship Leaders will make it easier for people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families to have their voices heard about what support and services are needed in the North East and North Cumbria.


The jobs are 16 hours a week. The pay is £11,520 per year.


The jobs are for 2 years only. They are temporary jobs.


Find out what it is like to work for Inclusion North


Becki talking about working for Inclusion North here 


Dawn talking about working for Inclusion North here 


How to apply


You can download the job information at the side of the screen in downloads.


  • The Job advert


  • Job description


  • Working together strategy


  • Annual report


  • Application Form word


  • Application Form PDF


  • Equal Opportunities Form word


  • Equal Opportunities Form PDF


Or get in touch to ask for a paper copy by telephone: 0113 2444792 or Email


Send us your application back to us  by 5pm on 14th June 2021.